cosmos talk radio
The Kornelia Stephanie Show: Ascended Living and Thriving with Kornelia.  The Best in you is coming out. Your new Hologram step into it.

The Kornelia Stephanie Show: Ascended Living and Thriving with Kornelia. The Best in you is coming out. Your new Hologram step into it.

  03/09/2018  12:00 pm PDT

The Kornelia Stephanie Show: Ascended Living and Thriving with Kornelia.  The Best in you is coming out. Your new Hologram step into it.Set your compass to your true north where love is the action and peace is the way.

Kornelia will share how to create a powerful spiritual practice with the absolute non- negotiable basics you need to thrive and live your heaven on earth.   There are new ways we love with faith with passion.  There are new ways we communicate, with truth and non- attachement to the outcome.  There are new healing modalities being born.  What about money and the ego in the new world? What does it mean to be self-realized? what does it mean to have your soul embodied? What is 5d? what does it mean being the empowered feminine with her soul counterpart the divine masculine hieros gamos embodied.

Join Kornelia this Friday at twelve noon pst as she shares her experience on ascension and living an ascended life. Living Heaven on Earth.

Episode giveaways:

  • Receive Free- the “7day Self Love Series” with daily mp3 recordings to listen to send an email to, subject line "I AM love." Give us permission to add you onto our newsletter list. In addition you will receive Kornelia's Online journal a 21 Day Peace Practice. PLUS - So you can find your way to inner peace in these changing times. The practice is a toolbox for everyday living. A tool for Anger Management 101 PDF. Kornelia's tool for Emotional Processing. And a tool for Releasing Fear From Your Life


the kornelia stephanie show on transformation talk radio

Kornelia Stephanie

The Kornelia Stephanie Show and Kornelia Stephanie Media Group  Fridays - From 12pm PT to 2pm PT Join Kornelia as she teaches listeners to embrace their multidimensio...

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