cosmos talk radio

Archived Episodes

The Goddess Emergence™ with Dr. Brie Gibbs, Ph.D. ~ Syntheses in Science, Spirituality and Humanity

Embracing the Fiery, Fierce, Loving Goddess Within

In this empowering episode, we dive deep into the essence of the Firey, Fierce, Loving Goddess archetype—a bold, unapologetic force of nature that embodies passion, strength, and boundless compassion. Togethe... 

  Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Host: Dr. Brie Gibbs Ph.D.

Co-Host: Dr. Pat Baccili

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The Sacred Attunement Show with Asher: Unlocking The Power of Mind, Body, and Soul

The Wisdom of Meridians

Today Asher Countryman and Dr. Emily Hoda will be discussing the importance of meridians and how can directly give us information that relates to our health. 

  Friday, March 4, 2022

Host: Asher Countryman

Guest: Dr. Emily Hoda

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The Psychic and The Doc with Mark Anthony and Dr. Pat Baccili

Grief and Gratitude during the holidays

We’ve all had moments where we felt like we didn’t belong, felt left out, and the excruciating pain of loss of a loved one. There are many books written about what to do with grief, loss, and pain. Tune... 

  Thursday, November 18, 2021

Hosts: Mark Anthony, Dr. Pat Baccili

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The Kornelia Stephanie Show: Living Heaven on Earth

Dare to Dream Bigger. Call 1-800- 930-2819 and tell us your Big Dream.

Most people don’t dream big enough.  It’s time to change that.  This show will be about answeri... 

  Friday, October 5, 2018

Host: Kornelia Stephanie

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The Kornelia Stephanie Show: Living Heaven on Earth

Finding Yourself through Retreats with Liesel Albrecht.

Retreats are about beauty, a beauty that comes from within the heart. They are about a deep connection to yourself, to others and the world.  

  Friday, September 28, 2018

Host: Kornelia Stephanie

Guest: Liesel Albrecht

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The Kornelia Stephanie Show: Living Heaven on Earth

The Mirror to Your Waking Life with Kelly Lydick, M.A.

Your Dreams hold invaluable insight into your beliefs, emotions, and your waking life. In this show, we’ll discuss the nature of dreams and how you can get started with your own personal dream practice. 

  Friday, September 14, 2018

Host: Kornelia Stephanie

Guest: Kelly Lydick

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The Kornelia Stephanie Show: Living Heaven on Earth

"How to Survive the Murder of a Loved One" with Dawn Diviniste

 "How to Survive the Murder of a Loved One" with Dawn Diviniste  Part Three. The story continues… "How to Survive the Murder of a Loved One" with Dawn Diviniste I’ll be d... 

  Friday, August 3, 2018

Host: Kornelia Stephanie

Co-Host: Dawn Diviniste

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The Kornelia Stephanie Show: Living Heaven on Earth

Breaking up with my Ego...with Charleen Hess. Call 1-800-930-2819

Ego Ego Ego, There is so much talk about our Ego. What exactly is our Ego?  What is its Job, Why do we always fight with it? How do we make peace with this internal conflict that we have with ourselves? L... 

  Friday, July 20, 2018

Host: Kornelia Stephanie

Co-Host: Charleen Hess

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The Kornelia Stephanie Show: Living Heaven on Earth

How to Survive the Murder of a Loved One" with Dawn Diviniste

The Universe works in funny ways. Universal humor dichotomy. I’ve met people in my life in the last 6 years that have prompted me to share my story... “How to Survive the Murder of a Loved One.”  

  Friday, July 6, 2018

Host: Kornelia Stephanie

Guest: Dawn Diviniste

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The Kornelia Stephanie Show: Living Heaven on Earth

Project Heaven on Earth with Martin Rutte

Project Heaven on Earth:  The 3 simple questions that will help you change the world … easily is a ground-breaking book.  In it you&rsquo... 

  Friday, June 22, 2018

Host: Kornelia Stephanie

Guest: Martin Rutte

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The Kornelia Stephanie Show: Living Heaven on Earth

Ascended Living and Thriving with Kornelia. The Best in you is coming out. Your new Holo...

Set your compass to your true north where love is the action and peace is the way. Kornelia will share how to create a powerful spiritual practice with the absolute non- negotiable basics you need to t... 

  Friday, March 9, 2018

Host: Kornelia Stephanie

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The Kornelia Stephanie Show: Living Heaven on Earth

Remember that We are all Angels, we just need to recognize that!

Seeing the world through the eyes of an angel with Tom Lumbrazo.  What is our life about?  

  Friday, March 2, 2018

Host: Kornelia Stephanie

Co-Host: Tom Lumbrazo

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The Kornelia Stephanie Show: Wake up to Love. Your Call to Action. Global Galactic Actions For A New Earth

What about God, Christianity, and Christ in the new world.

Do you feel separate from your creator? Do you feel torn about the religious dogma and the new paradigm that is being birthed? Do you feel uncertain about what religion is better? Being a Christian, Islam or a Budd... 

  Friday, December 22, 2017

Host: Kornelia Stephanie

Guest: Robert Skeele

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The Kelly Ballard Show - Insight & Inspiration from the Great Beyond