cosmos talk radio
The Empower Me Show with Pam Bright: A Spiritual Toolbox for Your Life: Healing and Bright Language transmissions with Pam Bright

The Empower Me Show with Pam Bright: A Spiritual Toolbox for Your Life: Healing and Bright Language transmissions with Pam Bright

  04/04/2024  12:00 pm PDT

The Empower Me Show with Pam Bright: A Spiritual Toolbox for Your Life: Healing and Bright Language transmissions with Pam BrightHappy April everyone! We are kicking off the Spring season with our Call in Show which is dedicated to you and your spiritual pah.  As we begin gearing up for our springtime clearing and cleaning projects in our environments, we also have an opportunity to clear our internal vessels so that as human beings, we can be ready for what our Soul wants to show us this season.


Pam will be sharing some of her Soul magic from years of deep surrender to her spiritual path.  She has many tools that she has allowed herself to use from many different teachers and traditions.  Some of them include the 12 step programs, personal growth and empowerment programs, and many spiritual circles that have inspired and encouraged Pam to heal and become the person who lives and breathes and whispers Spirit throughout all of Creation.


This show is your opportunity to have a one-on-one conversation with Pam and open up whatever is next for you as you celebrate your life as a spiritual being having a human experience.


Call In to:  1-800-930-2819 for some awesome Bright Language, healing transmissions and thought provoking Soul Conversations

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Pam Bright

Pam Bright

The Empower Me Show with Pam Bright: A Spiritual Toolbox For Your Life Thursdays 12pm PT / 3pm ET The Empower Me Show with Pam Bright is all about honoring you as a s...

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