Archived Episodes
Attitude of Gratitude with special guest- Michelle La Vergne
This year of 2025 is showing itself to be one of extreme change. Whether we like it or don't is really irrelevant, because these times are demanding that we show up for ourselves in ways that many of us may n...
Encore: LIVE READINGS TODAY with special guest- Michelle La Vergne
My special guest today is Michelle La Vergne. She is a Psychic Medium and Spiritual Healer with over 30 years of experience. As a child, Michelle was already opened to the world o...
Full Body System Wellness with Pam Bright
This episode is about you and your wellness path. We get to talk about all of the parts of you: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual. We get to have a dialogue with you and your human body. Did ...
LIVE READINGS TODAY with special guest- Michelle La Vergne
My special guest today is Michelle La Vergne. She is a Psychic Medium and Spiritual Healer with over 30 years of experience. As a child, Michelle was already opened to the world o...
Encore: Full Body System Wellness and Energy Channeling with Pam Bright
This episode is dedicated to embracing the Full Body System Wellness Program and informing you, the listeners of this broadcast, what it is all about. Pam created this program in 2020 as a way to grow her b...
Encore: Bright Language Channeling and Energy Healing transmissions for July with Pam Bright
It's full on Summer in the Pacific Northwest! July is packed with yummy energies of transformation and full on spiritual manifestations. From what I have read, July is considered to be the Super Buck mo...
Healing and Bright Language transmissions with Pam Bright
Happy April everyone! We are kicking off the Spring season with our Call in Show which is dedicated to you and your spiritual pah. As we begin gearing up for our springtime clearing and cleaning projects in o...
It is Healing and Bright Light Codes with Pam Bright
This episode is your Healing and Channeling Show. Pam is proficient at delivering the Light Codes and messages from many galactic, angelic, and cosmic beings who are ready and on stand by to deliver spiritual...
Healing Energy Transmissions and Channeling with Pam Bright
It is Autumn and November is the month of Gratitude. Pam will be connecting in with the energies of the month and inviting her Spirit Teams to join her for whatever information is relevant for you in the mont...
Seasons of Change and Channeled Messages with Pam Bright
This week is the beginning of September which means that it is the healing and light language channeling episode with Pam Bright. We're looking at the energies of the #5 and how these are creating the conte...
Bright Language Channeling and Energy Healing transmissions for July with Pam Bright
It's full on Summer in the Pacific Northwest! July is packed with yummy energies of transformation and full on spiritual manifestations. From what I have read, July is considered to be the Super Buck mo...
Choosing your Empowered Life with special guest- Barbara Worsley
This week on our show, my special guest is Barbara Worsley, Galactic Ambassador of the Dragon Realm. She is known as the East Coast Dragon lady, a psychic channel of these ancient Beings and the Co- Host of t...
Language of Bright Light Codes and Empowerment Full Body System Wellness with Pam Bright
Hello everyone. This is the first Thursday of May, and it is the healing and channeling episode for your spiritual journey. Pam is a clear channel for the Divine energies of the Universe. As Pam o...
Full Body System Wellness and Energy Channeling with Pam Bright
This episode is dedicated to embracing the Full Body System Wellness Program and informing you, the listeners of this broadcast, what it is all about. Pam created this program in 2020 as a way to grow her b...
Channeled Message from the Masters- Written and Spoken
Pam has been guided to bring you some written transcriptions for this episode as well as some in the moment channeling as the collective desires. As Pam has discovered doing this show through...
Embracing ALL of who you are with my special guest- Jessica Sisco
My special guest is a psychic medium, a healer, and a life coach. Jessica is studying at the Awakened Academy, which is an online school for spiritual coaching certification . Living without sight has given J...
Light Code Transmissions and Energy Healings with Pam Bright
Pam will be using the Daily Hookup as a spiritual tool in this episode to assist all of you in accessing your energy support system and receiving what you need to feel empowered in daily life.
Language of Light and Energy Transmissions LIVE CALL IN SHOW
Pam will be our channel today as she opens up to the ever-changing world that we are all experiencing in 2022. As she is upgrading her intuitive abilities, the information that is coming through is vital to...