cosmos talk radio
Reinventing - U with Danielle Silverman: When what you do matches who you are: Connecting the Dots - with Guest Bonita Gionet, P.Eng.

Reinventing - U with Danielle Silverman: When what you do matches who you are: Connecting the Dots - with Guest Bonita Gionet, P.Eng.

  03/27/2023  08:00 am PDT

Reinventing - U with Danielle Silverman: When what you do matches who you are: Connecting the Dots - with Guest Bonita Gionet, P.Eng.What is your networking philosophy? Are you of those who would rather leave it to others, or do you relish making new connections? And, what is networking for anyway? In this episode of Reinventing-U my guest, Bonita Gionet will strive to answer many questions you have about networking and to demystify what it means and how you can benefit from this amazing tool and philosophy.


Danielle Silverman MBA

Danielle Silverman MBA

Reinventing - U with Danielle Silverman: When what you do matches who you are 2nd & 4th Mondays 8am PT / 11am ET In today’s world of ever constant evolution, the...

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 Bonita Gionet

Bonita Gionet

Engineer by training, connector by nature.  Bonita has worked for large multinationals, small/medium enterprises, start-ups and not-for-profit organizations in sectors ...

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Wendy R. Wolf