cosmos talk radio
The Coach Martez and  Woodrina Layton, LPC Show: Understanding Love, Accepting Truth, and Changing Your Perspective!

The Coach Martez and Woodrina Layton, LPC Show: Understanding Love, Accepting Truth, and Changing Your Perspective!

Coach Martez and Woodrina Layton, LPC are a determined and inspiring power couple looking forward to teaching more people about the importance of having strong and healthy relationships in their lives. Coach Martez is a certified life coach, and WoodrinaLayton is a licensed professional counselor, and they have been together for twenty-eight years. With such experience in keeping a strong marriage growing, Coach Martez and Woodrina realized that their divine role in life is to help empower others and their relationships.


Coach Martez and Woodrina have also had their story featured on predominant networks such as the OWN Network, The 700 club, The Real Housewives of Atlanta, Good Day DC and Great Morning Washington. Apart from being showcased on Television, Coach Martez and Woodrina have also worked with celebrity couples around the greater Atlanta area.


Founded the notable and successful “Married 4 Life Walk” marriage movement where they host an annual 2-mile walk that consists of over 1,000 participants who support the idea of keeping up with their loved ones and homing in on mending broken connections.


Be prepared to gain strong knowledge on the essence of true love, all the while Coach Martez and Woodrina Layton are there guiding you by your side. Their passion to help you in your life is what keeps them going every day. You will begin to realize the importance of your relationships with your loved ones, and you will gain invaluable skills along the way.


Martez and Woodrina host multiple different sessions with couples to help them get through their rut. Everything from 90-minute to 8-hour premium sessions. To book a session with Martez and Woodrina, go to and book an appointment online now.


Coach Martez and Woodrina Layton, LPC hosts on Transformation Talk Radio

Martez & Woodrina Layton

The Coach Martez & Woodrina Layton, LPC Show: Understanding Love, Accepting Truth, & Changing Your Perspective Coach Martez and Woodrina Layton, LPC are a determine...

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