cosmos talk radio

Host Profile

Yvonne Kraeher

An artist, visionary, and spiritual wisdom keeper, Yvonne Kraeher has been attuned to higher energetic frequencies from an early age as she experienced “visitations” from guides and spirits receiving messages and downloads from them which at the time were not common to speak about nor honored in the “traditional” world in which she grew up. Nevertheless, she continued on her quest to bring consciousness and healing into her own life, her family, and those she has had the opportunity to connect with.


Her mission is to inspire fellow geniuses to liberate their hidden wisdom, radiate their ... Read more

An artist, visionary, and spiritual wisdom keeper, Yvonne Kraeher has been attuned to higher energetic frequencies from an early age as she experienced “visitations” from guides and spirits receiving messages and downloads from them which at the time were not common to speak about nor honored in the “traditional” world in which she grew up. Nevertheless, she continued on her quest to bring consciousness and healing into her own life, her family, and those she has had the opportunity to connect with.


Her mission is to inspire fellow geniuses to liberate their hidden wisdom, radiate their brilliance and ignite their creative passions by raising their own consciousness. She does this through a series of workshops and playful experiential sessions.


Yvonne has led a traditional life as mother and business owner, yet her passions and experiences in the “other”  world have continued to light the way for fellow travellers to follow her on her journey of self-discovery. She is a wife, mother of three adult children and world explorer.


As  principal of The Collective HeARTs Studio, Yvonne facilitates healing through the unlocking of other’s creative passions. She works as a Gene Key Guide,  SoulCollage Facilitator and energetic artist offering workshops and individual sessions. 


Yvonne lives in Newtown, Pennsylvania with her husband, daughter,  beloved pets and enjoys connecting with nature in her garden. She is passionate about reading, creative writing, yoga, and meditation.


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The Pearl Sequence

Join me through the Pearl Sequence Retreat -
Create a healthy relationship with money
Prosper from doing things you love
Be of greatest service during these challenging times


  • "Excellent question Pat! Not one that I get asked very often so thanks for asking. What have my a-ha moments been? There have been so many. I mean I am a totally different person than I was when I started studying this 10 years ago. My first a-ha moment was the a-ha that someone needs to study this. If we're trying to win the war on cancer why are we ignoring the people who've won? We should be talking to them. We should be studying them. So that was the first coin that dropped for me was just something like do this, study this, don't be afraid. It didn't scare me. It actually excited me. My dear friend died when we were 16 of stomach cancer so to be across from someone like him was told they were going to die and yet 25 years later that does not scare me. That gives me incredible hope and for a potential cure for cancer down the road."
    Dr. Kelly Turner

  • "Well thanks Dr. Pat, it's my pleasure and I'm really grateful to be on your program. You know people that are joyous and happy like what do they do? They radiate light like Dr. Pat. I mean you can feel it through the airwaves. All of you listening know that that's why you come back for that spiritual nourishment, support, and enlightenment. So what Dr. Pat's doing you do in your own way the way that is meaningful to you based on your journey."   
    David Christopher Lewis-Host

  • "Hi from Steve in the Bay Area of Calif. Just wanted to say thanks for the powerful interview with Lucinda Bassett. I just picked up her cd's and dvd's from Midwest Center and going through them. I really resonate with the things that both Dr, Pat and Lucinda made regarding depression, stress and anxiety. I work for the phone co. Currently at&t and I have gone through a lot of trials with my job in maintaining the telephone systems for the 911 dispatchers in the Bay Area. I am around stressed people every day. Now my company is talking of giving my job away to a contract company after my decades of service to them. I understand Dr. Pat's story of her career with the phone co. personally. I have family issues going on as well and I am overwhelmed like many now days. It's great to hear inspiring interviews like your program Dr. Pat. I found you by searching for Lucinda Bassett today in iTunes. You have a great program and I look forward to hearing more this weekend. I know there are others that have been through tougher trials and they encourage me not to give up.Thanks again!" Your friend and fellow traveler,Steve  
    Steve-Bay Area-Listener

  • "My name is Debbie and I've now come across your page several times through various searches via the net and was drawn immediately to the shows you're providing. Perhaps there is a message that lies in waiting when I am able to tune in? I wanted to commend you for your work and spreading true hope and something tangible for listeners to embrace that will and does help them in their daily lives.Thank you for being such a wonderful contribution to the ascending world of global unified consciousness." 

  • "Dear Pat, I recently found your website and was so intrigued by all the wonderful speakers you have had on your show and the ones who were to be aired in the future. And more than that, you offer your services to everyone for free and I am so thankful to you for doing that. I had called today and had spoken to Doreen Virtue about my misfortunes in love, finances, losing custody of my children, etc. To receive divine guidance from Doreen about clearing my anger and releasing it gave me so much hope that things could get better. I did what she said and cried in pain and released and forgave addition, I saw that my anger was keeping me stuck where I was and that I was keeping my children from coming home, which they so want to be with me and I with them. After realizing that anger only hurts me and affects other, I will continue to release and allow love and ask my angels for continous help with this. I will share with my children tomorrow when I see them for a few hours what I have learned and teach them what I have learned about how anger has impacted my life, and will express my new desires and beginnings with them on a new journey of love (and I'm sure they'll join my journey)."

  • "Excellent question Pat! Not one that I get asked very often so thanks for asking. What have my a-ha moments been? There have been so many. I mean I am a totally different person than I was when I started studying this 10 years ago. My first a-ha moment was the a-ha that someone needs to study this. If we're trying to win the war on cancer why are we ignoring the people who've won? We should be talking to them. We should be studying them. So that was the first coin that dropped for me was just something like do this, study this, don't be afraid. It didn't scare me. It actually excited me. My dear friend died when we were 16 of stomach cancer so to be across from someone like him was told they were going to die and yet 25 years later that does not scare me. That gives me incredible hope and for a potential cure for cancer down the road."
    Dr. Kelly Turner

  • "Well thanks Dr. Pat, it's my pleasure and I'm really grateful to be on your program. You know people that are joyous and happy like what do they do? They radiate light like Dr. Pat. I mean you can feel it through the airwaves. All of you listening know that that's why you come back for that spiritual nourishment, support, and enlightenment. So what Dr. Pat's doing you do in your own way the way that is meaningful to you based on your journey."   
    David Christopher Lewis-Host

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Wendy R. Wolf