cosmos talk radio

Host Profile

Patricia Rohn

The Ecosystem Approach Show with Jason & Patricia Rohn: A revolutionary way to infinite potential!
Every Monday at 1:00 pm PT, 4:00 pm ET

Did you know that when we talk about the earth’s ecosystems the MOST important Ecosystem is left out - you! You’re the MOST important ecosystem. The Ecosystem Approach Is revolutionary! It shows you a natural and organic way to treat yourself to maximize potential and bring about true well-being.

Traditional methods of motivation, achieving human performance and productivity are toxic and program humans like machines. These toxic approaches destroy your ... Read more

The Ecosystem Approach Show with Jason & Patricia Rohn: A revolutionary way to infinite potential!
Every Monday at 1:00 pm PT, 4:00 pm ET

Did you know that when we talk about the earth’s ecosystems the MOST important Ecosystem is left out - you! You’re the MOST important ecosystem. The Ecosystem Approach Is revolutionary! It shows you a natural and organic way to treat yourself to maximize potential and bring about true well-being.

Traditional methods of motivation, achieving human performance and productivity are toxic and program humans like machines. These toxic approaches destroy your own unique Ecosystem and severely limits your ability to live with wellbeing and happiness! Programing you like a machine brings about negative emotions, like anger, stress, fear and unworthiness and other negative emotions. As a culture, programming creates racism, sexism, economic disparities and many other problems in the world. The Ecosystem Approach is NOT about a green earth, (which is very important) it is about human beings having a green personality that is sustainable and natural in the way we are designed! Restoring humans back to their natural state creates infinite potential and individual possibilities that are not possible with programming methods.

Every week we take common issues in everyday life and talk about how to apply The Ecosystem Approach in practical, sustainable and natural ways. We have innovative solutions to common challenges that you won’t find anywhere else by applying The Ecosystem Approach! We show you how to take action on your behalf at the end of every show!

Jason and Patricia Rohn
An Amazing Partnership
Patricia and her husband Jason co-host their show and they’ve used The Ecosystem Approach to create a green partnership that they have used to develop the ideas. Human beings were designed to work together for their mutual best interest but programing methods interfere will all types of partnerships and relationships. Instead of referring to the Ancient Masters for wisdom, they used the same wisdom the Ancients did and applied it to our world today! They can see energy and used their abilities to perceive what is available to everyone if they were using their intuition. They have merged their unique talents and abilities to create The Ecosystem Approach and the description would not be complete without the acknowledgment of this partnership.

Patricia Rohn, Director
As a child, Patricia knew she was different. She could perceive things that others could not. Her mother had a similar ability but never framed it in a positive light. Because of this, Patricia thought of her unique ability as “bad” or “shameful” for many years. She wasn’t able to use her special ability in a positive or beneficial way until she met her husband, Jason. Together they developed The Ecosystem Approach because they could see the negative energies interfering with a person’s life. So what’s her superpower? Patricia has the (unparalleled) ability to see the negative energies that interfere with life. Teaching others to remove these negative energies and replace them with positive ones is her greatest ability!

For example, Patricia understands that negative energies associated with poor self-image often lead to excess weight, failed fitness programs and despair for women. She decided to create a women’s program called “The Uglies” - designed to remove negative conditioning and the feelings of being, fat, old, wrinkled, and unattractive. She understands what many do not see: that these feelings are the true source of the problem – and that they can be REMOVED. She treats each individual as an ecosystem that needs to be uncovered and nurtured in order to make sustainable progress. She is the creator of the Moves Library where she teaches people to move, dance and clear their way to a better life. When she and Jason work together with their intuition she is the communicator and Jason is the interpreter. She sees the energy of the details that makes a home happy and alive!

Creating a happy family is part of her natural talent. Patricia loves to cook and is always singing and dancing around the house. She lives with her husband Jason, her 90-year-old mother-in-law and 2 dogs - Jaime and Ron. Her passion is photography and she is also learning to paint and play guitar! A fun day for Patricia is going for a drive in her husband’s VW convertible – only if it doesn’t mess her hair!

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  • "Wow, thank you Dr. Pat! I'm so thrilled to be here! You gave me the chills twice during your intro already. I absolutely love that story of you calling in to the wrong number and about your calling. God bless it's so great to be here."
    Billy Farr

  • "I had such an amazing time on Thursday - still feeling that rush and am so pleased with how things went! I can't wait to see where this adventure takes me, and I really appreciate everything you guys have done for me to get this show off and running. This entire process has been so seamless for me thanks to all the amazing people at TTR, you guys are truly pro's and I'm very grateful!" -Kelly Ballard, host of The Kelly Ballard Show
    Kelly Ballard

  • "Thank you, first of all, for being such a champion of natural medicine and moving things forward in this community and for people all around the country and around the world. It's just amazing the work you do."
    Dr. Peter Bongiorno

  • "Being a host on Transformation Talk Radio has been a truly life altering experience for me! I am now launched into a role where I interview the most prominent, intelligent, gifted authorities in the world, on all matters related to Lyme Disease, the epidemic illness of our era. To be sharing cutting edge information and inspiration is a gift. To have been positioned into the world of fame and sterling accomplishment is priceless. The entire team on the Dr. Pat Show network are remarkable, helpful, creative folks. I have felt supported, guided and treated with great respect. This is a class act and a rare opportunity to do some ground breaking work, if you put your nose to the grindstone and follow their guidelines. Success is then inevitable! I am flooded with emails and FB mssgs all week long from listeners chiming in on how much they love it!! YAY!! What an experience this has been - I am in awe sometimes that I am doing this! Now world famous docs contacting me to come on!!"
    Katina Makris - Host

  • "I happened across your radio show this week, and I have been pleasantly surprised by the quality of your guests as well as the energy shifts I have felt personally simply by listening. Perhaps it's the fact that I live less than a mile from the KKNW studio. I was particularly moved by the woman who talked about her experiences with Mother Teresa and by Gary Zukav. Both reflect the global and personal transformation and healing perspective I learned a great deal about from one of my primary teachers Buckminster Fuller." - Blessings

  • "Wow, thank you Dr. Pat! I'm so thrilled to be here! You gave me the chills twice during your intro already. I absolutely love that story of you calling in to the wrong number and about your calling. God bless it's so great to be here."
    Billy Farr

  • "I had such an amazing time on Thursday - still feeling that rush and am so pleased with how things went! I can't wait to see where this adventure takes me, and I really appreciate everything you guys have done for me to get this show off and running. This entire process has been so seamless for me thanks to all the amazing people at TTR, you guys are truly pro's and I'm very grateful!" -Kelly Ballard, host of The Kelly Ballard Show
    Kelly Ballard

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