cosmos talk radio

Guest Profile

Terrance J. Sanders Ph.D.

Dr. Terrance J. Sanders served honorably for 24 years in the United States Army. He enlisted as a private and retired as a Lieutenant Colonel. Dr. Sanders's last duty station was in the Pentagon as the Chief of Equal Opportunity Policy Branch. Dr. Sanders served during the war against terrorism in Saudi Arabia and Iraq, earning three bronze stars and a combat action badge during the assault into Baghdad. He is currently employed at the Department of Veterans Affairs in Washington, D.C., as a senior facilitator for 12 years. Dr. Sanders earned two bachelor's degrees and a master's degree. He completed his doctoral degree at The Chicago School of Professional Psychology (TCSPP) at the Washington, D.C. campus in 2022 and earned a Ph.D. in Business Psychology and Leadership. 

Dr. Sanders's involvement in the community includes substitute teaching in his spare time at public schools in Fredericksburg, Virginia. Additionally, he mentors young men of color as they prepare for college and employment in the public and commercial sectors. Dr. Sanders volunteers at one of the many local food banks that prepare meals and other supplies, providing l disaster relief. He is also the Vice President of our community's Homeowner Association (HOA). 


In 2023, A Father's Legacy, Inc. was conceived as a start-up non-profit organization to advocate for children by focusing on the responsibilities of young adolescent dads (ages 15–21) through early involvement and engagement to reduce the number of absentee fathers. Dr. Sanders holds certifications in evidence-based curricula from the National Fatherhood Institute in Nurturing Father's Program, Forging Resilient Relationships, and Nurturing Parent Program. 


To better prepare himself to address fatherlessness, from October 2023 to February 2024, Dr. Sanders led face-to-face fathering training with released citizens (parolees) in Washington, D.C., as part of an intervention program at the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency (CSOSA), addressing the challenges of being a nurturing parent while dealing with several diverse environmental limitations. 

Lastly, Dr. Sanders is the father of a blended family and has two adult sons and two adult daughters. He and his wife are empty nesters and find joy in fellowshipping with family and friends via attendance at Lifepoint Church and the various small groups. 


Wendy R. Wolf