cosmos talk radio

Guest Profile

Stephanie Jones

Astrologer & Hypnotherapist Stephanie Jones has been practicing for 35 years. Her first experience with astrology occurred at the age of 18. Stephanie went to a job interview and was required to give her date, time and place of birth and return the following day.The next day, her prospective boss had drawn up a detailed astrological chart that was very accurate. Hearing about her astrological chart was the most profoundly awakening experience of Stephanie's life, and she became fascinated with casting and interpreting horoscopes from that day forward.

Our birth charts contain sacred personal information that we should all have access to from the beginning of our self-conscious awareness.Stephanie's clients receive the same mind-altering lightning bolt of awareness that she experiences each and every day through the study of the golden key, Astrology.

Stephanie became a certified hypnotherapist in Denver, Colorado in 2001 to help shift and heal the discordant aspects revealed in the horoscope. "I care deeply about helping to free people from feelings of emotional pain, trauma, blocked energy, confusion, sadness and fear." Stephanie helps release those feelings and transforms them into feelings of empowerment and individual co-creative control.

"The combination of astrology and hypnosis is unsurpassed in my experience as a tool for conscious self-awakening, empowerment and personal growth. Astrology illuminates the soul path and hypnosis aligns the mind to bring it forth with much greater clarity, peace and grace."

Taken together or separately, Stephanie can achieve more positive change from these two modalities than any other she has ever experienced.


Wendy R. Wolf