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Guest Profile

Robin Alexis

Robin is a Summa Cum Laude and Phi Kappa Phi Graduate of Plymouth University. Her Bachelor’s Degree is in Psychology.

Robin Alexis is a one of kind Reiki Master, who has received an enhanced mystical ability to uniquely channel Reiki and other forms of healing energies to serve you. She has had three Near Death Experiences which left her a very gifted Mystic, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient and Clairsentient. Robin’s eclectic psychic ability is an experience, not an explanation.

Robin Alexis achieved the level of Dr. Usui Reiki Master Teacher in 1994. In 1995 she trained in the Essene Reiki Tradition. In 1999 she received a mystical Reiki Master Attunement from the highly esteemed Master Kuthumi in a dream state, and in 2004 she received another profound mystical attunement known as the Twin Ray Reiki Master Attunement from the Etheric Presence known as Saint Mary Magdalene and Master Christ Jesus.

For all of her life Robin lived in Plymouth, New Hampshire. As Robin served people in her small community with those extra-ordinary gifts, her reputation grew. Through word of mouth, Robin was hired by a wealthy enlightened Wyoming woman named Anne to be her personal Mystic and Psychic traveling companion as she traveled abroad. That is when a “chance encounter” between Los Angeles radio executive Bob Bordonaro occurred in 2000.

Robin Alexis is a talented but wild, unpredictable and weird Metaphysical Expert. Although she looks like a lady who lives next door, Robin Alexis has predicted national and international terrorist attacks, located missing people and found dead bodies, assisted women with infertility to get pregnant, talked Spirit to Spirit with babies yet to be born and helped Baby Spirits transition to the other side. Robin has worked with Marines while on active duty in Iraq, served as a War Healer for our War Heroes and their families, removed implants from people who have been abducted, communicated with deceased people such as President Ronald Reagan, and removed ghosts from such famous Hollywood abodes as Dr. George Hodell who is the alleged famed Black Dahlia murderer. She is also known as “The Marilyn Monroe Medium”. While serving as a Paranormal Negotiator Robin Alexis jumped on Snoop Dogg’s lap during a live broadcast of “The Jimmy Kimmel Live Show” as she cleared ghosts from the El Capitan Theatre in Hollywood!

Whether Skeptics or Devotees of Robin Alexis her funny good natured compassionate top notch psychic Radio & TV host personality will be sure to entertain. To learn even more about Robin Alexis read her personal life story in her book, “Robin’s Song” and enjoy and share in the luminous insights of the great contributors to Robin’s compilation of personal epiphanys on humanity in her book “Raising Humanity.”


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