cosmos talk radio

Guest Profile

Reverend Blake Isaac

Reverend Blake Isaac grew up on the grounds of Questhaven, a 655 acre spiritual sanctuary in northern San Diego County, California. Questhaven was founded by Reverends Lawrence and Flower A. Newhouse 1909 - 1994. Flower was an author and spiritual teacher and is considered one of the outstanding American Christian mystics of our era. Blake's close contact with Flower from childhood gave him unique opportunities and rare insights into both the mystical and practical aspects of her work. As a life-long student of Christian mysticism and of Flower Newhouse, Blake observed her highly trained and purely motivated gift of clairvoyance. She consecrated it to the rediscovery of esoteric truth and the way of Christ-centered discipleship. Blake says, "I am a striving mystic; she was truly a living one. She gave us insight into the realms of worlds around us and into Angelic beings who served as radiant messengers of light."

Blake is ever seeking a deeper understanding of Truth and striving to live a life in greater alignment with its essence through the way of Christian mysticism. A former middle school teacher and principal, he is currently the Director of Questhaven Retreat and The Christward Ministry since 2004. In the spirit of Flower's legacy, Blake's greatest love comes in sharing the spiritual journey with others.


Wendy R. Wolf