cosmos talk radio

Guest Profile

Rev. Christine Meleriessee Heliohah

Rev. Christine Meleriessee Heliohah
Divine Language Network
Spectrum Light Ray Frequency Mastery Teachings

The Teacher of the Teachers
Christine aka Thum-DeFebo is ordained through I Am University guided to teach tools of ascension. In addition she has been on the path of healing of 25 years and brings forth her own experiences to the path of healing. Her many gifts include being a Teacher of Ascension, Cosmic Messenger of Light Trance Channel, Shamanic Healer, and Soul Coach. Divine Language Networks vision is to help others find their spiritual gifts so that they may find their own Puzzle Piece upon the New Earth to help others awaken to the Oneness of Creation.

Christines focus presently is to help the light workers clear their four-body system and truly develop mastery upon their path so they may be able to help the newly awakened ones as we move into the 5th dimensional New Earth. She does this by helping others to understand the Rays of God so the lower physical body can be attuned to the higher spiritual body and integrating the fifth dimensional frequency.

Christine is also an aspiring author and will be presenting several books this year. One namely, The Clarion Light Beings of 911 & Beyond A Journey of the Continuance of Life which tells her story of how she started a weekly online meditation group for the souls who perished during the Twin Towers tragedy of 911. This book will assist an individual to experience the connection of the continuation of life through the Temple of 911 along with receiving tools and techniques to help create balance within the four-body system physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.


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