cosmos talk radio

Guest Profile

Michael McGinnis

Following a traumatic childhood Michael ventured out on his own with many personal issues relating to low self-esteem and a belief that he was unlovable and unworthy. The pain became too much which led him to put the pieces of the puzzle together regarding why things were going so wrong. He realized that it wasn't the world around him that was the problem, it was him.

Utilizing what he refers to as "tools for self-discovery" he began to rebuild his life. Traditional counseling was used to identify his unhealthy beliefs and help to develop his self-esteem, confidence, and image. Michael discovered a thirst for growth and used a variety of self-discovery techniques to redefine his values, core beliefs, and definitions of happiness and success. But even with all this growth, there was a gnawing desire to turn further within to understand more about life and its meaning.

Being open to new experiences, he heeded a calling to leave Corporate America for what he refers to as: "A Modern-Day Vision Quest". It was a journey that included backpacking and volunteering domestically and abroad in areas such as Africa, Eastern Europe, Russia, and more. He volunteered domestically in multiple capacities including hospice care, EMT on a volunteer ambulance, children’s oncology camp, foster care, etc. He delved into near-death studies, spirituality, philosophy, gurus, and more. It would take years to process his "soul adventure" where he ultimately concluded that there was absolute meaning to life.

Michael pursued a very successful career leading global learning organizations with an emphasis on helping people grow to reach their full potential. He was nationally recognized and won major industry awards. He pursued having a family where he would right the wrongs that he experienced as a devoted and loving Dad. He remains focused on this continual personal and spiritual growth, growing his own awareness and understanding.

His quest is now to help others, sharing his stories, experiences & learnings as a source of inspiration and guidance for others on the path. Whether it is to overcome past emotional trauma, increase self-awareness, or to ultimately find new meaning in their life and discover their full potential, Michael offers insight from a user's perspective to help others on their life's journey. He uses his gifts and natural abilities as an educator, storyteller, motivator, and collaborator, to promote challenging and meaningful conversations to promote other's growth.


Wendy R. Wolf