cosmos talk radio

Guest Profile

Marie Miller

Marie Miller is the founder of the San Diego Psychic Fair and owner of House of Kellen. Her passion for helping people discover their own inner divinity has led her on an adventure of fearless shadow work and ongoing training. 

A rune and tarot reader, psychic medium, and certified ThetaHealing Master instructor, Marie is a compassionate and knowledgeable guide who loves to help people transform their lives on all levels. Marie has helped hundreds of people see the beauty of their own souls and move beyond their subconscious blocks. She trained under a Nordic Shaman for two years, studying archaic magic, the mystery of the runes, breath work, and taking many spiritual journeys. She studied with the  ThetaHealing Institute of Knowledge for 10 years, first as  a practitioner and then for the last 7 years, training with Vainna Stibal as an instructor. She now teaches most of the practitioner level classes available. She has been supplementing her formal training with self studies over the last 20 years.


Wendy R. Wolf