cosmos talk radio

Guest Profile

Laüra Hollick

Laüra Hollick is an award-winning artist, creative spiritual entrepreneur and lover of our Earth. She is known as the Soul Art Shaman.

After walking 10,000km on a Vision Quest Laüra clarified her purpose and dove into business to realize it. She is the founder of Soul Art Studio Inc., a thriving business devoted to circulating love around the planet with creative inspiration.

BRAVO TV created a documentary about Laüra’s art and life called ‘The Artist’s Life- Laüra Hollick.’ She has hosted and produced over 500 radio shows for 93.3 FM CFMU called ‘The Artist’s Lifestyle.’ Laüra recently gave a TEDx talk called “You are the Art.”

Laüra’s visionary art and insights inspire audiences around the world through her weekly “Pure Inspiration” newsletter and global events like International Soul Art Day, the Global Vision Quest and the nü Icon Movie.

Laüra is the creator of Soul Art®. Soul Art® is a unique creative practice that awakens our innate healing abilities, unleashes our creative genius and taps into our intuition superpowers. In 2011 Laüra began the Soul Art® Certification program which now has Certified Soul Art® Guides around the world. Laüra also guides people to create their own thriving life and career being themselves through her nü Icon Mentorship Program.

Laüra believes that each person’s life is their soul’s art and she approaches her own life as living, breathing art.

May 11th International Soul Art Day

International Soul Art Day gathers thousands of people together online to create art for the day.
Join us and ignite your creative spirit!



You Are the Art - Laura Hollick

    Wendy R. Wolf