cosmos talk radio

Guest Profile

Lai Ping Lee

Lai Ping Lee was born and raised in rural Guangdong Province in southern China. Motivated to seek a better life, she accepted an offer from a relative in Toronto to immigrate to Canada. Arriving with only a little money and no knowledge of the English language, she took some night classes and started working in Chinatown before moving on to a fashion store in the Toronto Eaton Centre, and later to a high-end clothing store in Yorkville.

She is also a certified aesthetician and worked as a successful image consultant in the retail industry for over ten years. "Travelling Inward" is her first book, and she plans to work on publishing other spiritual books in the near future.

This is the sort of profile a publisher asks for but how can I use words to describe who I am? I cannot be defined by my name, my skin colour, my religion, my past, or my accomplishments. I will say, though, that I am a soul, travelling this earth, learning and discovering. I am someone who loves all beings with an open heart, finds blessings in ordinary miracles, and seeks truth in nature. I am not so different from you.

According to Lee, her path now is to inspire others to step out of their comfort zone. She intends to be a messenger for healing. She believes that women need to heal themselves first before they can help heal the planet. No matter what overwhelming goal she tackles these days, her mantra is "I'm good. I can do it. I am able."


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