cosmos talk radio

Guest Profile

Kim McElroy

Kim McElroy has been drawn to horses since childhood, and as soon as she could hold a crayon, this manifested as her art. For more than thirty years, she has been known for her intuitive understanding of the sentient nature of horses and her ability to infuse her art with their spiritual energy. She distills this energy into expressions of horses’ quintessential beingness in ways that transcend how they are traditionally defined. Through her incredible mastery of pastels, and her talent in writing about her artistic insights, she conveys the power and beauty of the horse’s form—yet more than that, she offers us a timeless glimpse of its soul.


In 2000, Kim and her husband, Rod, created SkyeLandeSea sanctuary in Washington

State, where they provided loving forever homes to rescued horses and a menagerie of other animals. Now that their beloved horses have joined the Council, their sanctuary is home to a resident herd of wild but well-fed deer, and two capricious housecats.


Kim is the author and illustrator of From Heart to Art: A Chronicle of the Experiences,

Philosophies, and Inspirations behind the Artwork of Kim McElroy, illustrator of Way of the

Horse: Equine Archetypes for Self-Discovery deck and guidebook by Linda Kohanov, and the author and illustrator of the Way of the Horse Journal.


Wendy R. Wolf