cosmos talk radio

Guest Profile

Karen Crane

Current transformations in our times have inspired wisdom mentor Karen Crane to up-level her paradigm changing work and offer creative support to those who want to grow with the times. Through writings that provoke new ways of thinking and specially activated jewelry, Karen serves as a catalyst for generating lifestyle shifts. 
Guided by the energies of the Divine Feminine to set intentions and encourage practices that lead to empowered happiness, fulfillment and spiritual alignment, Karen shares essential mindsets in short blogs called, "Wisdom Work for Women".  To make these ideas more available, several thousand topics, like inclusive actions, unconditional love, using intention and integrity, are currently being distilled into a book to empower others to redefine their values and help create a more inclusive world. 
Her "Joy Jewels" expand this work into beautiful and practical jewelry pieces that support alignment with these intentions. Spiritually guided, Karen has been offering these tools for over 25 years, and is excited to now offer them to the world in a new and bigger way. 


Wendy R. Wolf