cosmos talk radio

Guest Profile

Jalaja Bonheim

Jalaja Bonheim, Ph.D. is an inspiring visionary and award-winning author who mentors and trains leaders from all walks of life in the art of spiritually based circle leadership. Circlework, the practice she developed, uses circle gatherings to create spaces where women connect in authentic, healing and often life-changing ways. Jalaja has gathered special acclaim for her groundbreaking work in the Middle East, where her circles unite Jewish and Palestinian women. Today, Circlework is being practiced in countries ranging from India and Afghanistan to Europe, Kenya, Columbia and Australia. Jalaja is the founder of the Institute for Circlework and the author of many books including Aphrodite’s Daughters and The Sacred Ego, which won the Nautilus Award for best book of 2015. Her latest book is The Magic of Circlework: The Practice Women Around the World are Using to Heal and Empower Themselves.


Wendy R. Wolf