cosmos talk radio

Guest Profile

Hibby Bartlett

Hibby Bartlett is energized, committed, and passionate about leading wellness

conversations around life balance, mental wellness, self-care, self-realization, and whole life

wellness. Her joy is seeing individuals build healthy communication and wellness methods into

their life that reduce stress, reconnect relationships and bring harmonious balance to their

lives. She excels providing people from all walks of life, with practical communication advice

and strategies that meet today’s struggles with disconnection . Hibby is a professional speaker

and Founder of World LOVEbank, a new health and wellness app designed to build and secure

emotional health.


Aside from her two sons, Hibbys’ passions are a lifelong pursuit of personal development

and community service. She has organized community-wide events to support orphanages

in El Salvador, and volunteers with Avalon Woman Centre for woman in recover.


Topics I Can Discuss:

Building A Legacy of Love

How to Forgive the Past

Mental Health & Wellness

Quieting the Inner Critic

Breaking Through Paralyzing Fear

Pushing Past Perfectionism

Listening to and Honoring Your Intuition

Finding Love after a Messy Divorce

Self-Advocacy for Mental Wellness


How to Build a Legacy of Precious Messages to those you love during Covid?

We have all heard the tragic stories of a healthy person catching COVID, going into the

hospital, never to return. Leaving behind the family to grieve without so much as a goodbye.

No more bedtime stories, I love you’d or “happy birthday songs.

Unfortunately, this can happen at any age, and when we lose someone we love, to find

media of their voice capturing those special words is not easily accessible.

PODCAST BIO – Hibby Bartlett


But Hibby Bartlett, Founder of the World LOVEbank has found us a solution.

She says... “losing someone is hard, and when it happens quickly, all you want to do is hear

their voice one more time, or wish you had saved a precious memory”. She should know. she

lost her 35-year-old brother years ago to addiction. Her last conversation with him, was

her repeatedly saying “I love you”, until he finally returned the words. But 3 months later he

died. She vowed then to find a way where the words can be saved and shared for those who

need to hear them. Fast forward now, she has lost both her parents over the last two years

while building her World LOVEbank app.”


The app is named World LOVEbank, because she believes that LOVE is priceless resource

we have to help one another. Whether we have financial wealth, or not, our LOVE is valuable

and it deserves its own special place to saved. Creating intentional memories of love to start

saving now for our family. We can save and exchange audio and video messages to make sure

that our voice is kept in safe place just in case something happens. difficult with the social

media platforms.


With death and isolation during this COVID pandemic and the rise of addiction, everyone

needs to put a little attention on how we can support each other’s mental health. Feeling

loved and supported without feeling judged is made simple because users voices are

recorded anonymously and sorted into love collections based on the country or boosters.

World LOVEbank users can create and share video messages, if they have a legacy

account which also provides up to 100gb of storage for their private collections. Video and

extended audio recordings, and future milestone features are all part of the upgraded



This World LOVEbank app builds emotional wealth for the individual user by creating one

safe place to build their legacy of collected messages, as well as a worldwide resource for all

users to access anonymous audio love to reconnect to this world.


World LOVEbank want us to know - Life is Temporary, LOVE is Forever.


There are many more features on how we collaborate love and boosts of encouragement.


The Kelly Ballard Show - Insight & Inspiration from the Great Beyond