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Guest Profile

Heidi Bright

Heidi Bright, MDiv, author, speaker, editor, and wellness coach, is in radical remission from stage 4 cancer.

During 2009, specialists predicted Heidi would die within months from an aggressive end-stage soft-tissue sarcoma. Heidi discovered powerful ways to manage conventional treatment, love her body, embrace her emotions, play with imagery, deepen her spiritual consciousness, and accept support.

After two grueling years, another tumor swelled next to her heart. Heidi knew she had to leave her marriage. Two weeks after moving out, she had another surgery. During the post-op checkup, she was told to prepare for Hospice.

Her next scan was clean. She has been free of evidence of disease since that surgery in August 2011.

Now she combines her journalism and theological background with fresh insights each Thursday on her Thriver Soup blog.

Thriver Soup is traditionally published by Sunstone Press, joining Heidi’s two other traditionally published books, Hidden Voices: Biblical Women and Our Christian Heritage(Smyth & Helwys, 1998), and Keeping Sabbath: Daily Life (Circle Books/John Hunt Publishing, Ltd., 2010).


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