cosmos talk radio

Guest Profile

Dr. Roy Martina

Dr. Roy Martina has spent 15 years researching the effects of environmental toxins on the immune system. In the past 10 years his focus has been on developing and innovating techniques to break through mental and emotional self-sabotage. Currently he is researching strategies for self-healing, preventive health care in the field of cancer and slowing down the aging process. He is also interested in martial arts, kettle bell training, self-hypnosis, meditation and personal development.

Dr. Roy Martina is a renowned public speaker and trainer. He has excellent communication and presentation skills, including extensive experience in teaching seminars and conducting workshops for health practitioners, professional sportspeople, business executives & laypeople worldwide. He has trained executives of Fortune 500 companies in The Netherlands and Italy and he has been extensively interviewed on television, radio and in print.

More than 30 years' experience in:
Holistic Natural Medicine, including expertise in Electro-diagnosis VEGA-test Method Classical and modern Homeopathy Acupuncture, Soft laser-therapy Neural therapy Spinal adjustments Reflexology
Neuro Associative Conditioning Clinical Nutritional Ecology Herbal therapy Holistic Cancer Therapy Alternative Cancer Therapies
Orthomolecular therapy Allergy therapy Weight-management Neuro-Emotional Therapy Mental and Personal Coaching Hypnotherapy and guided meditations Channeling and ESP Preventive Health Care and anti-aging


Wendy R. Wolf