cosmos talk radio

Guest Profile

Dr. David Aron

David Aron, MD, MS, is Director of Clinical Program Research and Education at the Cleveland VA Medical Center. He is a clinical endocrinologist, health services researcher, and leader of the VA Quality Scholars Fellowship Program - a training program in quality improvement. He is Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology and Biostatis tics at the School of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University. He is also Adjunct Professor of Organizational Behavior at the Weatherhead School of Management where he teaches a class on Managing Complex Systems. A former laboratory bench researcher, his current research interests are eclectic and have included health services and implementation research related to quality measurement and improvement, especially diabetes - related, and most recently, applications of principles of complex systems. He recentl y authored a book: “Complex Systems in Medicine: A Hedgehog’s Tale of Complexity in Clinical Practice, Research, Education, and Management.” However, as has often been the case in the past, exactly what he will be working on, even in the not too distant fu ture, cannot be predicted with any certainty.


Wendy R. Wolf