cosmos talk radio

Guest Profile

Donna Eden

Donna Eden, a pioneer in the field of Energy Medicine for 35 years, is among the field's most sought, joyous, and authoritative spokespersons. Able to clairvoyantly "see" the body's energies since childhood, her healing abilities are legendary. Her best-selling book, Energy Medicine, is the classic in its field. Translated into 18 languages, it was the Health Book of the Year at the prestigious Nautilus Book Awards. Its sequel, Energy Medicine for Women, won golds in two national competitions. She and her husband, David Feinstein, direct the world's largest organization teaching Energy Medicine. More than 80,000 people have attended their classes, and their 900 certified practitioners are serving thousands of clients and teaching hundreds of classes in the U.S., Canada, Latin America, Europe, Asia, and Australia.

More information about Donna Eden, energy medicine, her workshops, and the energy medicine certification program can be found online at Learn Energy

"Donna Eden's body energy work is perhaps the most brilliant, comprehensive, and effective system in the genre that I have ever seen." -- Jean Houston, Ph.D.

"Donna Eden is one of the most joyous and effective pioneers in the rapidly expanding and vitally important frontier called Energy Medicine." -- Christiane Northrup, M.D.

Dondi Dahlin
Dondi Dahlin, Donna's youngest daughter, was raised with Energy Medicine as a part of her everyday life. She is an actress and professional dancer who has performed in over twenty countries. She is a member of The Screen Actors Guild and has published several articles about Middle Eastern dance and her life in the Middle East.


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