cosmos talk radio

Guest Profile

Carmen Cauthen

Carmen Wimberley Cauthen is a Raleigh, NC native who excels at community conversations. She is founder of

Research and Resource and works with clients providing research and writing for blogs, podcasts, grants, and

marketing; developing community engagement strategies; teaching about systemic racism while helping white

people recognize what it takes to become true allies in the battle against racism and encouraging the writing

of family memories so valuable history is not lost.

After graduating from North Carolina State University with a degree in Political Science, she worked in the

North Carolina House of Representatives for over 20 years, writing the Journal. It was there she honed her

talents as a copyeditor and proofreader. In the community at large, she is an excellent facilitator of meetings

and conversations that spark ideas and action. As a historian, researcher and community activist, Carmen

writes and teaches about the history of Black America, Black Raleigh in particular, and her experiences in

articles and presentations. Her Amazon bestselling book, Historic Black Neighborhoods of Raleigh, was

released in January 2023 and has sparked conversation about urban planning and its history and Black history

in particular.


Wendy R. Wolf