cosmos talk radio

Guest Profile

Bonnie Van Schyndel

Bonnie Van Schyndel is one of those very Special Beings -  who through their own struggles and hardships and Life  experiences –  she chooses to share her learnings and revelations to assist others.

While Bonnie’s personal journey includes living daily with Autoimmune Disease with multiple Complications , this lady strives to push beyond her defined capabilities most days and surrenders as gracefully as possible on days that she cannot.

Forever stretching many modalities and learnt ways to bathe her mind, body and Spirit with Positive energies and motivation.

Bonnie has certification in  Neurolinguistic Programming & Theta Healing.  With extensive studies in Religion, Spiritual and Medical Fields.  As well as an extensive knowledge and experience in Corporate Marketing.  Uniting all of this wealth and information she pulls it all in with a passion as a Holistic Consultant.

With a wealth of experience and connection to many resources she goes out of her way to track down and discover things that can assist you.

You will find Bonnie to be a Bouquet of Resources for you in so many areas where We all look for information, Guidance and some Fine Tuning  



Wendy R. Wolf