cosmos talk radio

Guest Profile

Astra Spider

Astra Spider is the Abundance Shaman. She is a law of Attraction Wealth practitioner blended with her Shaman training which produces a fabulous combination of wealth, health and happiness. She assists Soulpreneurs (and other spiritual folk) in strengthening their Money Moxie, expanding their Wealth Consciousness and BE-ing the Abundance Alchemists they are here on Earth to be! Astra lives in beautiful Illinois with her guy and their 6 animal babies: Boston Terriers Donovan and Starla, cats Daniel and Birdena, Silver the Egyptian Uromastyx Lizard and Carmichael the Guinea Pig. She loves to cook - and EAT! - delicious vegetarian dishes. FUN FACT: Astra thrives on singing and playing in her online Karaoke community! 


The Kelly Ballard Show - Insight & Inspiration from the Great Beyond