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Guest Profile

Ann Herbst

Ann Herbst is the Executive Director of Young People in Recovery, a national, peer-led organization that serves youth and young adults in recovery from substance use disorder. Ann’s prior roles at YPR include Director of Development and VP of Institutional Advancement. Prior to coming to YPR, Ann was a director of distinguished events for the American Cancer Society in New York City overseeing a $1 million portfolio of events, and the major gift officer for the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation, an educational nonprofit in Princeton, NJ. A former children’s health editor at McCall’s magazine, she is the author under her maiden name of a non-fiction book, “Willie: Raising and Loving a Child with Attention Deficit Disorder” (Viking/Penguin) which was the subject of a “Spirit” section profile on “The Oprah Winfrey Show.” Her freelance articles on parenting, health, and psychology have appeared in Marie Claire, Self, Parents, Redbook, Good Housekeeping, and New York magazine, among others.  


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