cosmos talk radio

Guest Profile

Amanda Porter

Managing Partner, Enlighten Healing


Amanda Porter is a professionally-trained facilitator in emotional healing and the Managing Partner of Enlighten Healing—the company behind the best-selling book on essential oils for emotional healing, Emotions & Essential Oils.


After several years in corporate positions managing contracts, customers, and conflict, Amanda opted to follow her true passion. She studied emotional processing at the Institute of Healing Arts and then opened a private practice founded in helping clients learn to overcome the adverse affects of past trauma. In 2011 she teamed with former colleagues and fellow healers to found Enlighten and then co-author Emotions & Essential Oils. The book was published in 2012 and has since sold over 175,000 copies worldwide. As the authority on the emotional aspects of essential oils, Amanda directs the team at Enlighten to further their mission of helping people survive, and then thrive thanks to emotional healing.


 Amanda’s married to her childhood sweetheart, a leading permaculture designer dedicated to developing sustainable and self-sufficient approaches to natural farming. They have two amazing sons. Amanda loves her family, world travel and sharing real, practical approaches for bringing awareness and healing in the emotional realm.


Wendy R. Wolf