cosmos talk radio

Guest Profile

Alyssa Hawn

Hi, I'm Alyssa!
I turned 36 this year, and I'm laughing at myself because I am nowhere near where I thought I'd be in life. As a child and teen, I assumed I would grow up, marry, move to the suburbs, and cultivate a steady career where I wore a power suit and earned a huge salary.

Turns out my soul planned for a wilder and more diverse curriculum.

For the last 18 years, my life has been a whirlwind of unexpected surprises and sometimes chaotic changes. I've lived in 7 states and 3 countries, held 14 jobs across 8 industries, and navigated 8 "serious" romantic relationships. I've been through 2 marriages and 2 divorces and have 2 children. I've earned 2 college degrees and around 20 professional certifications.

Until 2021, I also managed some debilitating and embarrassing chronic health conditions, including osteoarthritis, interstitial cystitis, and acne. After the birth of my first child, I also struggled with postpartum depression and insomnia.

For such a long time, I beat myself up for lacking stability. My daily mantras used to be, "What is wrong with me?" and "Why can't I get my shit together?"

And then...
I discovered my Human Design chart. When I learned that I'm designed to be highly mutative, intuitive, and adventurous, I felt massive relief. It is through "failure" and trying new things that I discover my wisdom and gifts. My path that had seemed so unfortunate started to make a lot more sense. It became empowering.

In the last few years, I've accepted that I'm not here to have a "normal" life. This acceptance has enabled me to live a life that is more colorful, less chaotic. As I've given myself space to study the things that light me up—nutrition, holistic health, spirituality, Human Design, and ThetaHealing—my greatest shadows have become my greatest power sources.

One of those power sources is the ability to help people like you to understand your unique energy, to show you that you are in fact lovable and amazing just as you are, and that your problems—health or otherwise—are actually wonderful opportunities for healing and growth.

I love when I get the opportunity to share my gifts with others. It literally lights my heart up. My purpose is to inspire all people to be the best versions of themselves, and whether you're interested in understanding your own intuitive gifts and purpose, shifting limiting beliefs into positive ones, and/or regaining your health and wellbeing, I'm here for any and all of it!


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