cosmos talk radio
Unstuck Joy! with Vicki Todd - The Art of Living On Purpose: Unstuck JOY! goes to Frankfurt Book Fair!

Unstuck Joy! with Vicki Todd - The Art of Living On Purpose: Unstuck JOY! goes to Frankfurt Book Fair!

  10/17/2017  03:00 pm PDT

Have you ever wondered, “Is this all life has to offer? There MUST be more!” If you answer “yes,” join me on Unstuck JOY! The Art of Living on Purpose with Vicki Todd as she shares her insight into: Be YOU + live your Purpose = JOY!

Unstuck Joy! with Vicki Todd - The Art of Living On Purpose: Unstuck JOY! goes to Frankfurt Book Fair!Join host Vicki Todd as she shares her Unstuck JOY! adventure at the Frankfurt Book Fair in Germany! Vicki's visual memoir, Unstuck: One Heroine's Journey of Art and the Courage to Live on Purpose, was invited to display at the LitFire Publishing booth during the Frankfurt Book Fair. Watch as Vicki documents her journey via Facebook Live videos as she says YES to her dreams, listens to her intuition, and follows her curiosity along the breadcrumb trail the Universe provides for her. This show's Art Vision prompt is How Does Your Lotus Flower Bloom? A lotus flower's roots are deep in the mud and muck, yet the flower rises above toward the light. Let's celebrate as we rise up out of the muck of fear and doubt toward the light and abundance of our dreams with Art Vision journaling! Watch show below:



To learn more about Vicki's visual memoir, Unstuck, click here.



Vicki invites YOU to play along with her Art Visioning process – a fun, creative, transformative spiritual process of using simple art journal prompts to discover your True Self and live Unstuck JOY! This show’s prompt is How Does Your Lotus Flower Bloom? A lotus flower’s roots are deep in the mud and muck, yet the flower rises above toward the light. Let’s celebrate as we rise up out of the muck of fear and doubt toward the light and abundance of our dreams with Art Vision journaling!


Click here to go to Vicki's Art Vision page: How Does Your Lotus Flower Bloom?


Memoir Artwork of the Day: Vicki's Angel Wings


Vicki took a fabulous art class with Oregon artist Whitney Freya! Underneath the angel wings, everyone in the workshop painted words representing their dreams and intentions, along with symbols for abundance, courage, and love. (See photo below.) Then participants painted their unique angel wings using their favorite colors. Vicki loves her wings! She’s using their symbolism to guide her as she follows her dreams at the Frankfurt Book Fair and beyond!




Vicki Todd Ed.D.

Vicki Todd Ed.D.

Hailing from Happy, Texas (the Town Without a Frown), Vicki Todd is a largely self-taught artist. Her fascination with art began in her Grandmother’s china shop and ...

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Wendy R. Wolf