cosmos talk radio
Unstuck Joy! with Vicki Todd - The Art of Living On Purpose: I Am Enough!

Unstuck Joy! with Vicki Todd - The Art of Living On Purpose: I Am Enough!

  12/05/2017  03:00 pm PDT

Have you ever wondered, “Is this all life has to offer? There MUST be more!” If you answer “yes,” join me on Unstuck JOY! The Art of Living on Purpose with Vicki Todd as she shares her insight into: Be YOU + live your Purpose = JOY!

Unstuck Joy! with Vicki Todd - The Art of Living On Purpose: I Am Enough! Join me and my guest, Laurie McCammon, author of Enough! How to Liberate Yourself and Remake the World with Just One Word. Ever wonder about the connection between not feeling you are enough and a world where it seems scarcity, competition and fear of not having enough is a cultural given? Laurie’s book and workshops explore the root cause of the collective myth of scarcity and never-enoughness, and how we can shift it right now - from within. This show’s Art Vision prompt is I Am Enough! based on concepts from Laurie’s book. Let’s proclaim that using our gifts and living from our hearts (and not our heads) is more than enough to connect with our self-worth, harmonious relationships, abundance, and create a better world. 


Watch as Vicki creates an Art Vision journal page LIVE during the show!




Vicki invites YOU to play along with her Art Visioning process – a fun, creative, transformative spiritual process of using simple art journal prompts to discover your True Self and live Unstuck JOY!

This show’s Art Vision prompt is I Am Enough! based on concepts from Laurie’s book. Let’s proclaim that using our gifts and living from our hearts (and not our heads) is more than enough to connect with our self-worth, harmonious relationships, abundance, and create a better world.


Click here to go to Vicki's Art Vision page: I Am Enough!


Memoir Artwork of the Day: The Honesty of Claud


The Honesty of Claud is a work in progress, and I’m not sure yet how I’ll finish her. Yet, I’m enjoying the journey of creating her. This is how it is with us when we feel we’re enough. Each one of us is a work in progress with our own unique limiting beliefs, successes, gifts and life path. We can’t see the end result or know the exact “how” that will lead us to fulfilling our dreams. Yet, when we trust our hearts to lead us to joy, harmonious connection with others, and the belief that the world is an abundant place with enough for all, the Universe will supply the open doors and resources that help us to transform ourselves and the world.

Episode giveaways:


Vicki Todd Ed.D.

Vicki Todd Ed.D.

Hailing from Happy, Texas (the Town Without a Frown), Vicki Todd is a largely self-taught artist. Her fascination with art began in her Grandmother’s china shop and ...

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 Laurie McCammon

Laurie McCammon

Laurie McCammon is a futurist author and teacher of  Enough! How to Liberate Yourself and Remake the World with Just One Word. She is a teacher and blogger wh...

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Wendy R. Wolf