Unstoppable - The Podcast Hosted by Nicole Isler: The Truth About That Annoying Little Voice Inside
07/14/2020 03:00 pm PDT
We all have that annoying little voice inside that likes to point out what we did not get done, how far we still have to go or how far we are from what we truly want. Not for lack of working hard or being busy.
But tending to more than most people while not feeling like you are doing enough, being enough or getting what you want – is a hard way to live that leads to you suffering in silence.
It is not always easy to recognize – or admit - that you doubt your own power or put yourself last. This can be painful – and personal - not out in the open for everyone to see because maybe you hide it so well.
What if instead, your true “inner voice” talked you into your dreams and sang your praises? What would it tell the world about you?
That’s what we’re digging into on this episode. A heart to heart that you absolutely deserve to have your own dreams – and how to override that part of you that may be keeping you from pursuing them.
Nicole Isler
The Zenspiration Show with Nicole Isler: Zenergize Your Life We all get overwhelmed at times. Take a break from your hectic daily life and let go of stress. Personal ...
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