cosmos talk radio
The Truth is Funny Radio.....shift happens! with Host Colette Marie Stefan: Be a  Leader, Not A Wolf In Sheeple’s Clothing!

The Truth is Funny Radio.....shift happens! with Host Colette Marie Stefan: Be a Leader, Not A Wolf In Sheeple’s Clothing!

  02/16/2022  08:00 am PDT

Be a  Leader, Not A Wolf In Sheeple’s Clothing!  Card #33 Lead vs Arrogance - Colette Marie StefanGain a basic understanding of astrological influences determined by the pull of the full moon in Leo on February 16, so you can take advantage of the new energy to implement alternative strategies. Aquarius is the most observant and mental of the zodiac, ruled by Saturn and Uranus, inspiring creative solutions and revolutionary intellect in alignment with social and humanitarian ideals. Inspiring words to inspire strong leaders, Leo is all about taking the lead!

Lead is card number 33 in the deck of Tails From The Vector.
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colette-marie-stefan-host of the truth is funny

Colette Marie Stefan

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