cosmos talk radio
The Tracy L Clark Show: Unleash the Superhuman Within Radio: Understanding Light Language And How It Can Expand Your Field With Aida Gabriel

The Tracy L Clark Show: Unleash the Superhuman Within Radio: Understanding Light Language And How It Can Expand Your Field With Aida Gabriel

  08/20/2019  08:00 am PDT

The Tracy L Clark Show: Unleash the Superhuman Within Radio: Understanding Light Language And How It Can Expand Your Field With Aida GabrielHave you heard of people in the church who speak in tongues? Yes yes ok stop do not run away. This is a way of speaking to actually get you into the heart and has been misunderstood throughout the ages!


Have you heard of light language? Light language is a universal language that is spoken throughout the world. Vibrations in the tones we make can actually make change in your energy field and expanding you more into what you desire. It also is away to get you out of your thinking mind and expand more into the energy of feeling. When we feel we create more and when we create more life becomes more fun and exciting!!!


I invite you for this amazing hour with my incredible guest who will be educating all of us on light language and how it is an important step into breaking free from your mind and into your heart through a universal language that is sacred on so many levels to all of us in the universe~


There are many languages we have yet to learn and I am sure you will agree people outside of the earth plane do not speak english or french and the list goes on! Have you seen the movie the Arrival? Makes you think how we can communicate in so many beautiful ways!~!




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