cosmos talk radio
The Mary Jane Mack Show: Dr. Jeff Haller, Feldenkrais Method® Trainer and Expert sits in for Mary Jane today!

The Mary Jane Mack Show: Dr. Jeff Haller, Feldenkrais Method® Trainer and Expert sits in for Mary Jane today!

  10/17/2019  11:00 am PDT

the mary jane mack show with guest host dr jeff hallerDr. Jeff Haller will be sitting in for Mary Jane today. He will be offering tips on how to navigate the pathway to the inner composure necessary for living a creative life in a challenging world.

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Mary Jane Mack

Mary Jane Mack

The Mary Jane Mack Show   Mary Jane Mack Holistic Intuitive, Wellness Coach Mary Jane Mack has been committed to helping people all of her adult life. At the age of 2...

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Dr. Jeff Haller

Dr. Jeff Haller

Jeff Haller, PhD, Feldenkrais Trainer, regards the Feldenkrais Method® as a pathway to the inner composure necessary for living a creative life in a challenging world. H...

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