The Kornelia Stephanie Show: Truth Bombs and Coffee with Kornelia Stephanie and Dr. Brook Sheehan: Episode 5
10/05/2021 06:30 am PDT
Truth Bombs and Coffee with Kornelia Stephanie and Dr. Brook Sheehan: Episode 3
00:00.hello everyone
00:20 hearing some amazing feedback. Keep it coming whether you agree or whether you don't
01:18 We're just here to share our truth from our point of view coming from a state of love
2:53 Quoted a meme " If you're 'vaxed' I love you. If you're 'unvaxed' I love you "
3:57 The right way to go is to heal the separation
06:02 A shared meme with the quote saying " all of Europe is watching America"
06:55 Kornelia teaches all the time ....moving to the 5th dimension and living heaven on earth
08:22 One of the big things Kornelia and Dr. Brook are doing with this show is to help people look inward and tune in
09:53 New research has come out to show that you can balance your cholesterol levels by eating good fat. Fat is not the enemy
11:16 Really listen to our intuitiveness to question. Is this really the truth or is there something more to this picture?
12:12 The universe is always conspiring to support you. Align with that belief
15:20 Dr Brook The Body Whisperer because she is able to communicate with the human body and find out exactly what it's looking for and provide unique health plans
18:18 Kornelia went to Dr.Brook to get her unique medical toolkit
19:28 Audience comment . loved the quote "please don't apologize for honoring what you want and I won't either"
21:33 cut sugar out and get rest if you are lacking in magnesium and take a supplement of magnesium to boost your immune system into recovery
23:57 be aware that fruit is full of sugar
25:12 find us here every other Thursday on Kornelia Stephanie Facebook page or Dr.Brooks Facebook page
25:39 if you are looking for someone like Dr.Brook in your life connect or email to Dr.Brook Sheehan. A free complimentary call.
27:07 Kornelia is a trauma therapist, spiritual mentor and coach helping people reach emotional wholeness Text Kornelia at ... 360-941-5783 or private message on facebook for a free discovery call
29:02 If you want to be part of the conversation please join us again in two weeks. Welcoming guests
29:31 End
Kornelia Stephanie
The Kornelia Stephanie Show and Kornelia Stephanie Media Group Fridays - From 12pm PT to 2pm PT Join Kornelia as she teaches listeners to embrace their multidimensio...
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The Body Talks Podcast with Dr. Brook: Are You Listening? With passion and love, Dr. Brook teaches you how to carry on a dialogue with the greatest creation to ever exist- ...
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