cosmos talk radio
The Kornelia Stephanie Show: The Magic of Finding Love and Peace with Tom Lumbrazo and his new book.

The Kornelia Stephanie Show: The Magic of Finding Love and Peace with Tom Lumbrazo and his new book.

  01/05/2018  12:00 pm PDT

The Kornelia Stephanie Show: The Magic of Finding Love and Peace with Tom Lumbrazo and his new book.

Tom and Caroline have been on a journey or you might say, a pilgrimage to find their destiny since Tom was saved by an Ange.  Archangel Michael came into his Jeep in 2001 and gave him instructions which saved his life in a terrible car accident. But why was he saved?  This pilgrimage guided them to meet many new people and took them on many trips around the world seeking answers to the meaning of their lives.  Finally, they found their answers as the Angels guided them to understand the concepts of Unconditional Love, and especially Divine Love for all of Creation.

Tom lives in California with his wife Caroline. They have been together for over 51 years. They were quite normal people like you. Tom was a professional city planner for over 40 years and Caroline worked in libraries as she loved books. Tom did not believe in Angels, but on February 2, 2001,  an Angel changed their lives forever.



Episode giveaways:

  • Tom will give away [Free, including postage] up to 100 copies of his latest book “The Magic of Finding Love and Peace." All the listeners have to do is to email him at and include their physical mailing address.


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 Tom Lumbrazo

Tom Lumbrazo

Tom Lumbrazo was raised in central NY and came with his parents to California in 1965. He went to college at Sacramento State for a degree in Government , and then went on t...

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