cosmos talk radio
The Kornelia Stephanie Show: How to find the strength TO BREAK FREE.  Living in your authority.

The Kornelia Stephanie Show: How to find the strength TO BREAK FREE. Living in your authority.

  01/12/2018  12:00 pm PDT

The Kornelia Stephanie Show: How to find the strength TO BREAK FREE.  Living in your authority.ME TOO. the script: a return to love and peace A return to freedom A return to unconditional love; A return to self-acceptance LIVING HEAVEN ON EARTH.

ME TOO. the challenge: to overcome self-hatred, victim consciousness slavery, addictions, lack consciousness and separation from source with a big label of not worthy on the front and back of this body.

ME TOO.I can’t believe I used to have a thought that was attached to an emotion that was attached to a belief that I was not worthy and that I used to make choices that reflected that belief.


ME TOO. My own suffering and pain were too much to bear so many times. It’s hard to believe that years ago I felt like I had no way out because the deep emotion was attached to a belief of self - hatred, and unworthiness at my core.


ME TOO. My path to wholeness was to feel and release within my physical body the recorded cell memories of all the deep trauma of my past. Life experiences are stored within the soft tissue of the body and in the DNA. All the physical emotional traumatic wounds of the past, including the ancestral lineage needed to be consciously acknowledged felt and released.

Episode giveaways:

  • Kornelia's 21 day miracle course. Send email to and receive the 21 day course including mp3's right to your inbox.


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