The Dr. Pat Show: Talk Radio to Thrive By!: A Journey Into Spiritual Healing with Dr. Ibrahim Jaffe, M.D.
10/02/2017 11:00 am PST
Learning to heal disease and yourself. Medical Spiritual Healing addresses the deep, hidden, inner issues, wounds, beliefs and traumas, or what Dr. Jaffe calls "THE CAUSES" of disease. He believes these causes affect the person subconsciously and cause disease to either form or to appear. When healing occurs of these "CAUSES," often disease disappears, or traditional therapies, such as chemo and others, which had previously stalled now work.
Dr. Pat Baccili
Dr. Pat Baccili helps individuals and organizations break through their limiting Crust so they can reach their unlimited potential. Her specialty is assisting people face t...
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Dr. Ibrahim Jaffe
Dr. Jaffe is a licensed medical doctor who, for the last 30 years, has pioneered advanced energetic and spiritual healing in the United States. Dr. Jaffe brings a unique syn...
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