cosmos talk radio
The Christine Upchurch Show: The Vibration of Change™: Encore: Inoculated: How Science Lost Its Soul in Autism with guest Kent Heckenlively

The Christine Upchurch Show: The Vibration of Change™: Encore: Inoculated: How Science Lost Its Soul in Autism with guest Kent Heckenlively

  07/03/2020  11:00 am PDT

the christine upchurch show with guest kent heckenlivelyScience has a sacred obligation to tell the truth. But what happens when our most prestigious institutions lie and attempt to destroy data which shows harm to children? Is that a crime against humanity? Join Christine and attorney, science teacher and author Kent Heckenlively for an eyeopening discussion about childhood vaccinations.


the christine upchurch show on transformation talk radio

Christine Upchurch

The Christine Upchurch Show - The Vibration of Change™The “Vibration of Change”—that magical place where life shifts from struggle to ease…fr...

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 Kent Heckenlively

Kent Heckenlively

In his breakthrough new book Inoculated: How Science Lost Its Soul in Autism , Kent Heckenlively, a science teacher and attorney, uses both of these exacting skills to demon...

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