cosmos talk radio
The Body Talks Podcast with Dr. Brook: are you listening?: Truth Bombs and Coffee with Kornelia Stephanie and Dr. Brook Sheehan: Episode 4

The Body Talks Podcast with Dr. Brook: are you listening?: Truth Bombs and Coffee with Kornelia Stephanie and Dr. Brook Sheehan: Episode 4

  10/05/2021  06:40 am PDT

The Body Talks Podcast with Dr. Brook: are you listening?: Truth Bombs and Coffee with Kornelia Stephanie and Dr. Brook Sheehan: Episode 4The world is divided. Humanity is hurting. We have lost sight of our inner knowingness and have lost sight of who we are. Tune in as we explore current events and truth-seeking.



00:00 Hello everybody. This is the first time coming live from Dr.Brooks facebook account as well as YouTube

00:50 This show isn't about telling you how things have to be . It's coming to you with love. whether you stand in agreement with our beliefs or whether you are in opposing beliefs we really need to get back to the heart of truly loving each other

01:50 truth bombs and coffee is just a place for us to share different things we've seen and things we've come to accept as truth 03:14 It's time to stand up in your truth and your guidance

04:20 Kornelia's book 'Peace. the Flipside to Anger' How I healed my emotional body and my life and how you can too

04:43 when you are standing in your strength not everybody might agree with you

06:53 you have to look at where the funding is coming from for the studies on what is going on right now

07:17 If the FDA or the CDC say something is good we are accepting that without peeling back the layers

07:53 The FDA has approved neurotoxic chemicals to be 'GRAS' ie: generally recognised as safe but, for example, MSG is in everything, and research has shown that it is causing brain degeneration

09:48 the FDA approved something we can't mention this week and the fact that we can't mention it should speak volumes

10:19 No long term safety studies were done on this. It was fast tracked

11:15 One of Dr. Brooks foundational truths is that the body knows exactly what it needs. It's not our job to go tossing things in to hope it will do it's job

11:40 The FDA is not necessarily on your side

12:32 A lot of the things that are playing out right now are to give us our authority back

13:27 Is the government really looking out for us?

15:14 This is where people are beginning to take their power back

16:36 Dr Brook is working via Telehealth remotely to support their immune system the best they can

17:08 It's not a death sentence as it was being portrayed in 2020

21:31 One of the ways we can keep our immune system high is not to have fear because fear can cause stress and anxiety but being in love, peace and calm will improve your immune system

22:49 Emotionally fear is stored in your kidneys and our kidneys rid us of toxins so we need to look after them by being in trust, love and peace

26:03 Stop trying to control your uncontrollables but control what you can control

26:33 Take up a daily meditative/spiritual practice like Kornelia's every day check it out at

28:13 Reach out to Dr.Brook or Kornelia Stephanie if you feel like you don't know who to trust

29:15 If you are feeling bad don't keep doing what you're doing

31:09 If you have questions let's have a dialogue

32.03 Thanks for watching 


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