cosmos talk radio
Soul Activation Podcast with Suzanne Alexandria: Ignite Your Inner Light: R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Find Out What It Means to Thee.

Soul Activation Podcast with Suzanne Alexandria: Ignite Your Inner Light: R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Find Out What It Means to Thee.

  10/11/2021  02:00 pm PDT

Soul Activation Podcast with Suzanne Alexandria and Guest Tamara JordenWhat does respect have to do with YOUR journey?

Or Love?
Or Spirituality?


How many of us were truly taught that respecting our own selves is actually the biggest part of the equation as we mature and become the wise leaders of our time?


And by the way, isn't it one of the biggest missing links in Washington these days?


Join me with my guest, the fabulous mystic and thought leader Tamara Jorden, for a does of respect and an even bigger dose of Divine Love as she brings us into new thoughts on this ages-old concept.

Episode giveaways:

  • Hey friends! I have a new FREE offer! Download "11 Ways to Shift Your Energy...and Thrive." Each one takes just 3 minutes. They're tips I've learned along my journey as a yoga instructor, as a coach, as a Reiki Teacher Trainer, and as someone trying to stay sane in a seemingly insane life. Sound helpful? Download it today and print the one-pager for your sacred altar, your office, your kitchen...wherever you need a reminder to Stay Calm & Carry On. Get a copy now: xoxo -Suzanne #Reiki #innerfreedom #akashicrecords #healingjourney #marymagdalene


Suzanne Alexandria

Suzanne Alexandria

Soul Activation Podcast with Suzanne Alexandria: Ignite Your Eternal Light Suzanne is a professional intuitive, medium, energy healer, and reader of the Akashic Records. ...

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 Tamara Jorden

Tamara Jorden

Tamara Jorden is a mystic & thought leader and the founder of Grit 'n Grace Enterprises. She is a Co-Founder of the women's leadership circle, Legacy 22, and leads ...

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