cosmos talk radio
Reinventing - U with Danielle Silverman: When what you do matches who you are: Interview with guest Stephany Occhiuto

Reinventing - U with Danielle Silverman: When what you do matches who you are: Interview with guest Stephany Occhiuto

  12/26/2022  08:00 am PDT

Reinventing - U with Danielle Silverman: When what you do matches who you are: Interview with guest Stephany OcchiutoWhat does it take to land the job of your dreams? How does networking fit into the equation? These are only some of the questions we will cover with Stephay Occhiuto, who left the family business she ran for over 20 years to work in a position that more closely related to her values and her vision of the world. Listen first hand to what it takes to make such a drastic change, and what it means to live life your way!


Danielle Silverman MBA

Danielle Silverman MBA

Reinventing - U with Danielle Silverman: When what you do matches who you are 2nd & 4th Mondays 8am PT / 11am ET In today’s world of ever constant evolution, the...

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Wendy R. Wolf