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Reality Reimagined with Gale West: Expand Your Mind ~ Elevate Your Spirit ~ Transform Your World: New Pressures, New Possibilities For Men and the World They Live In with Ed Frauenheim

Reality Reimagined with Gale West: Expand Your Mind ~ Elevate Your Spirit ~ Transform Your World: New Pressures, New Possibilities For Men and the World They Live In with Ed Frauenheim

  12/12/2024  10:00 am PDT

New Pressures New Possibilities For Men and the World They Live In, Ed Frauenheim, A Great Place to Work For All,  Reinventing Masculinity: The Liberating Power of Compassion and Connection, Gale West, Reality Reimagined, Expand Your Mind, Elevate Your Spirit, Transform Your World, Human Evolution, Conversations, spirituality, joyous delight, riveting interviews, personal transformation, global transformation,

Men today face new pressures at work. The long-overdue reckoning over sexism, racism and other forms of bias in recent years has heightened scrutiny on men, to the point many can feel blamed and shamed simply by being male. These recent pressures build on long-standing stresses on men, including expectations to be successful, stoic, and "self-made." Among the impacts of all the pressures are mental health challenges--which continue to carry a stigma for many men. 

Yet this is also a time of new possibilities. When we examine and evolve from confined, outdated beliefs about what a man must be, we free men–and everyone around them–to thrive as never before. Men can better embrace 21st skills such as collaboration, emotional intelligence and leading with authenticity. We can choose an inclusive version of success that is about elevating those around us even as we advance ourselves. The result is healthier, happier men who are better, more inclusive colleagues and leaders. 

I’m excited to have Ed Frauenheim on my show. He has devoted his life to supporting men to have new options for living. Together, we explored the effect patriarchy has had on men, in particular, and a world beyond it. As men are freed, we are all freed.


Gale West M.A.

Gale West M.A.

Reality Reimagined with Gale West: Expand Your Mind ~ Elevate Your Spirit ~ Transform Your World  Reality Reimagined, on Transformation Talk Radio is your opportunity ...

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Ed Frauenheim, A Great Place to Work For All,  Reinventing Masculinity: The Liberating Power of Compassion and Connection

Ed Frauenheim

Ed Frauenheim is a writer and speaker focused on workplace and masculinity matters. He’s co-written four books, including A Great Place to Work For All and Reinventing...

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Wendy R. Wolf