cosmos talk radio
Lucid Planet Radio with Dr. Kelly: The Superwoman's Guide to Super Fulfillment, with Dr. Jamie Kulaga

Lucid Planet Radio with Dr. Kelly: The Superwoman's Guide to Super Fulfillment, with Dr. Jamie Kulaga

  09/02/2015  02:00 pm PST

Lucid Planet Radio with Dr. Kelly: The Superwoman's Guide to Super Fulfillment, with Dr. Jamie Kulaga

What woman today doesn’t feelover-worked, over-tired, stress-out and pushed to her limit? We all feel wearen’t DOING ENOUGH, we don’t have enough time and we are lost to ourselves,awash in commitments that never allow for our own moments of self-care, personalenjoyment and individual reward. As Dr. Jaime Kulaga puts it, we are on theFerris Wheel that keeps us stuck going round and round.We may be a super woman, but not necessarily a SuperWoman, awoman who knows how to achieve balance between life and work and be personallyfulfilled..


Join Dr. Kelly as she interviews Dr. Jamie Kulaga, author of the Superwoman's Guide to Super Fulfillment to help give womenthe tools to begin enjoying life again, stop struggling and focus on how tocreate a lifestyle that works foryou instead of against you.


Kulaga knows first-hand how things can get twisted up. Amarried mother of two, author, inspirational speaker, workshop leader, Ph.D andcounselor/coach with a thriving practice called of Mindful Rehabilitation (, she has had to learn when to stop and change course to preserve thatbalance. And she shares these experiences in the book. But mostly she hasculled the essences of her workshops, working with women around the world whoshare these same frustrations and anxieties. Women who give until all the lifejuices are drained.

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Dr. Kelly Neff

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Dr. Jaime Kulaga

Dr. Jaime Kulaga

Dr. Jaime Kulaga is a licensed mental health      counselor,certified professional coach, inspirational speaker, and entrepreneur. She is afreq...

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