Lucid Planet Radio with Dr. Kelly: The Secrets to Natural Thyroid Health, Including How it Impacts Weight Loss, with Expert Dr. Gil Kiljiki
01/13/2016 02:00 pm PDT
With hisroots in chiropractic-biophysics, Dr. Kajiki was busy helping patients in theSan Fernando Valley in Southern California with their spinal structuralcorrective care when his wife became ill with what at first appeared to beEpstein Barr.
Aftercountless hours of study, consultation with colleagues, and testing, Dr. Kajikidiagnosed his wife with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, an autoimmune condition thatattacks the thyroid. He spent the next several months treating her autoimmunecondition through natural supplements, lifestyle modifications, anddietary changes. She is now symptom free and doesn’t take any thyroidmedication.
He foundedthe Valley Thyroid Institute California, known known the world over, and he hasbecome the leading expert on non-drug treatments for Hypothyroidism,Low-Thyroid, and Hashimotos His patients are from countries and cities all across the globe—many asfar away as Canada, Romania, London and New Zealand. Dr. Kajiki’s has created “The Thyroid Mystery Solved, ” an educational 5 DVD series of self-help for patients withchronic thyroid problems.
Today, wewill start by exploring if thyroid might be a factor in why so many peoplecannot lose weight and how that can be determined and treated.
Dr. Kelly Neff
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Dr. Gil Kajiki
Dr Gil Kajiki is the founder of the Valley ThyroidInstitute. He graduated from the Pasadena College of Chiropractic and has beena chiropractor for 30 years. The main fo...
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