cosmos talk radio
Find Your Fabulous with Dr. Diane: It's Time to Ignite Your Full Power: The Domino Effect of Change: Just Make the First Move

Find Your Fabulous with Dr. Diane: It's Time to Ignite Your Full Power: The Domino Effect of Change: Just Make the First Move

  08/19/2024  08:00 am PDT

Find Your Fabulous with Dr. Diane: It's Time to Ignite Your Full Power: The Domino Effect of Change: Just Make the First MoveIn this deep and rich episode, I will be interviewing British Business Coach Sara Wisneski, about her discovery of the Domino Effect of Change, how one brave change created a cascade of other changes that completely transformed her life.  Now she loves to teach other online Coaches how build their Domino Effect of Change. 3 Easy Steps to replacing a full-time income in part-time hours


Episode giveaways:


Dr. Diane Garrison Ph.D.

Dr. Diane Garrison Ph.D.

Find Your Fabulous with Dr. Diane: It's Time to Ignite Your Full PowerEvery 1st & 3rd Monday8am PT / 11am ET   Are you ready to unleash the Wise Goddess within? O...

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 Sara Wisniewski

Sara Wisniewski

Sara spent 20 years in the corporate world, managing relationships, projects and a family! She took a leap of faith in 2018 and left before she missed the most fun years of ...

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