cosmos talk radio
Courage to Be Seen Podcast Radio with Sherrie Clark – Striving to assist others with achieving their dreams: How to be confident on camera … having the courage to be seen

Courage to Be Seen Podcast Radio with Sherrie Clark – Striving to assist others with achieving their dreams: How to be confident on camera … having the courage to be seen

  09/17/2020  03:00 pm PDT

SherrieClark-CouragetoBeSeen-HowToBeConfidentOnCamera,HavingTheCourageToBeSeenDo you ever watch all the videos on social media, and tell yourself… I wish I could look that comfortable on camera, why do I always look like such a dork? You may even catch yourself trying really hard, thinking I will just record a short couple min video, and it take you 30 tries, and you still don’t like it.


How about at work, do you just hate when you are told the meeting will be on camera?  That you avoid turning your webcam on unless you are absolutely forced to.


What if it wasn’t that way… What if you could confidently record videos?  What if you were encouraging others to turn their webcams on.  This could be you, today I am going to talk to you about tools you can start using right away to be confident on video.


sherrie clark host of courage to be seen podcast radio on

Sherrie Clark

Courage to Be Seen Radio with Sherrie Clark Every 3rd Thursday at 3pm pacific / 6pm eastern! Are you living the life you desire, experiencing success, and accomplishing y...

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